Draft proposal



We want to create a dome in the red zone that can facilitate experimental audiovisual experiences in the middle of lush natives.

Local communities will be engaged to help manage the space and provide opportunities for different people to experiment and use the space for their needs.

The structure will blend in with its environment with opportunities to integrate with plantlife.


Plants inside all the structural shapes for greenery coverage

White surface on the inside

Fire treated wood

Can we get help from that green warehouse event people with how to use greenery with the space?

Add trees to all the bases and shape them to the structure over time. Eloise has experience doing this as a kid and there are people who are professionals in this area.

Integrate food and community into planning of the structure?

Involve iwi in order for future connections and to get advice with supporting community etc

Geodome project tracking

Planetariums and projection domes in NZ


